My Biggest Motivation to Work Out? Stress Relief.

Now, I won’t laden you with all the details of the bad things in my life because everyone has problems. I will tell you how I deal with them though.

Stress is something I deal with daily as a grad student, intern, grad assistant, daughter, sister, girlfriend, etc. I received a wave of terrible news yesterday and after talking with the appropriate people for about a half hour I realized I couldn’t deal with it anymore.

So, I went for a run.

A long, rap-blaring, sweaty, don’t-care-where-I’m-going run. It ended up being about 4 miles, which was just enough time to really think about everything happening around me. When I’m stressed about particular things, it is hard to concentrate on anything else (like homework or work) so I might as well burn off some steam and calories.

What are your healthy ways to deal with stress? I was extra-conscious last night to not mindlessly stuff my face with desserts!

I'd love to hear your opinion (good or bad)!

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