What Can You Do? : Destiny Plan Q’s

To fulfill a dream, to be allowed to sweat over lonely labor, to be given a chance to create, is the meat and potatoes of life. The money is the gravy.

— Bette Davis

How will your destiny path be able to integrate serving others with serving yourself?

I want to have a job that helps others and I want to help others outside of work. My family will always come first, but I want to improve my community as well. Whether I am volunteering with adults, reading to children, eradicating invasive plant species, or coaching Special Olympics team.

Describe your dream job. What would you need to do to attain it?

I have a couple of dream jobs: sustainability director for a city, chief marketing officer for a private company, project manager. All of these jobs include managing my own projects, helping organizations or people be more sustainable, and building a better future. To get to any of these jobs I need to gain more years of work experience. I need to network with more people working in my city. I need to look for job and volunteer opportunities that fit my interests.

What do you see as your biggest strengths? How do they support your passion and future success?

My biggest strengths are organization, punctuality, great relationship building, and creative thinking. I will definitely build on all of my strengths to achieve my goals. I am not someone who is trying to marginally improve their weaknesses. Instead, I want to greatly improve my strengths to make a bigger impact on myself, my work, and my relationships.

I have questions for my readers: How do you balance helping others and helping yourself? Do you build on your strengths or improve your weaknesses?

I'd love to hear your opinion (good or bad)!

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