I’ve Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella: Book Review

I’ve Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella is a romantic comedy novel that is perfect for a commuting woman. I really like I’ve Got Your Number audio book because it is easy to listen to and the speaker was British so that was kind of fun.  Throughout the day (after listening to it in the morning) I found myself reading things in a British accent. Luckily I wasn’t giving a presentation or reading out loud! The book was something to keep my mind off the long drive, I got sucked into the story, and didn’t really have to think about the commute at all.
The main character, Poppy Wyatt it is newly engaged and starts out the book losing her engagement ring. You immediately become wrapped into her drama trying to figure out what happened to the ring. From there, the book kind of takes a different direction along a new story line. I’ve Got Your Number isn’t what I expected from the little blurb I read online, but it is a fun story that is refreshingly not all about the wedding. The change of subject was a nice relief since wedding planning is the main thing on my mind lately.
I first saw the story on a list for 20 books to read in your 20s and I don’t really know why this is recommended for twenty-somethings. It’s a fun read but it’s not inspirational. I guess I don’t expect a modern fiction book to be something you must read in your twenties. The book has nothing really to do with your age, giving you advice, or anything like that.
Regardless, if you are a twenty-something-year-old woman, you would probably enjoy this book. You can get a hardcopy, electronic, or audio version on Amazon.


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