Visual Layout For Your Wedding

With the wedding fast approaching, I’m now finalizing the logistics and details. Thankfully, this weekend some of our family and a few friends helped us with wedding crafts and preparing our house for the rehearsal dinner. They got so much done; it was a huge help! Most of my bridesmaids couldn’t come, so I was even more grateful for the people that did help.

I’ll be meeting with the event coordinator at our venue at the end of July, so I want to make sure I have a layout ready to show her and to get her feedback. She was actually the one that told me about It’s an awesome site that allows you to virtually set up a room within your exact dimensions, place tables and chairs, and label things. Here’s a link to our Updated Wedding Layout or you can see the snapshot below.Wedding Layout on - free way to help plan and organize your wedding. | bexbernard.comI’m sure things will change after I meet with the venue coordinator, but this tool is so helpful for visually planning how the night will go and the flow of everything. Hope it can help you too!

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