Being social: breathe, sip, enjoy.

Sometimes I get in a funk where I just don’t want to see or talk to anyone. Mostly I don’t want to talk to them. There are a few reasons I think this happens to me:

  1. I get nervous that I will run out of things to talk about
  2. I get anxious that I won’t be funny, exciting, or entertaining
  3. I already have to network for business school, so it kind of feels like work
  4. I’m around people all day and I enjoy having time by myself
  5. I put pressure on myself to not say dumb things

It’s easy for many people to say, “Oh, just go talk to people. What’s the worst that could happen? You won’t say anything dumb. They’re in the same position you are.” Yada, yada, yada. The truth is, though, that is can be difficult to talk to some people. I could say something really dumb and not get the job. I could crack a joke and have it fall flat in front of me to the sound of crickets.

I suppose the worst that could happen is that I’d be in the same position I am now: drinking a glass of wine in my fuzzy, white bath robe on my couch. It’s definitely not a glamorous lifestyle, but it wouldn’t be that bad. And it’s doubtful that I would ruin my social reputation so  horribly that I couldn’t show my face again.

Tonight I went to a wine tasting with a few friends and a few more showed up. I was really happy I went and excited to see more people than I had expected. We had a great time. I didn’t even realize we had been there for two hours.


Image via Wikipedia

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