Superbowl Sunday

This was the healthiest Superbowl I have ever participated in. I think the main reason was the people around me didn’t bring tons of junk food. Four of my guy friends from school live in a house together, so naturally they had a Superbowl party. One of the boy’s mom made us chili and cornbread since it was his birthday. Not a bad main dish and certainly much healthier than pizza and wings!

I made chocolate chip butterscotch cookies and my roommate brought veggies and dip. This time I brought one of the unhealthy dishes, but they are better for you than store-bought cookies and it’s the Superbowl! That’s my justification 🙂

What did you make for the Superbowl?

A chocolate-chip cookie.

I'd love to hear your opinion (good or bad)!

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