A week without endorphins

Last Saturday I got a tattoo on my foot that says “Shalom“, which means peace in Hebrew. It’s also where Salem, Oregon got its name. Salem is where I was born and where I just graduated with my MBA. Since it is on my foot, I couldn’t work out for a week and it sucked. Not only because I wanted to stay active, but because I had nothing to do.

I just graduated two days ago and am currently looking/interviewing for jobs. I have been a student for the past 21 years. Now that I lost that identity, I don’t really know what to do with myself. Luckily there are a lot of house projects I can do like painting, drywall patching, cleaning, and decorating. However, when you don’t have an income or know that income will be for sure coming it is hard to spend any money.

I wish I could have worked out last week to kill some time, be less tempted to eat from boredom, and stay healthy. This week will be better for exercising and being generally happy!

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