BEST Dog Toy Yet!



Hank Yellow Chew Stick


Although I just opened my Etsy store, I have been making dog toys for my puppy for a while. This one is his FAVORITE thus far because in the center of the toy is a beef jerky stick.


Hank is always finding socks, t-shirts, and blankets to play with, so I decided to make him toys with the same feel and a treat hidden inside. I bought the beef jerky chew stick at our local pet store, Lucky Dog Outfitters, in Tacoma. The jerky is securely wrapped to provide HOURS of fun. This yellow and white spiral-knotted chew toy was designed with taste and durability in mind for a playful dog. I’m excited to see how long the toy lasts with Hank. What are your dog’s favorite toys?




3 comments on “BEST Dog Toy Yet!”

  1. Do toys tend to last a long time with him? Ours destroy anything that isn’t made from the Kong material. Love the idea though.

    1. Becca Krz says:

      The toys do last a long time because of the way I weave them together like a rope. The longest one he’s had is a month and it is still going strong. He did get the treat out of this one in a few days, but that was the point! How unfair to tease him with something he can never get. Since the treat was in there though, he still enjoys chewing on the toy, probably because the flavor is lingering and he might expect to find another treat.

      Your dog might be more aggressive with toys though! What material or type of toys has he destroyed?

  2. We used to buy everything under the sun but quickly discovered that the only place we would find the toys would be in pieces (post consumption – ewww). The Kongs and a couple other off the wall items that seem to be made via alien technology are the only toys that make it. They even eat tennis balls. Goofy wonderful dogs. 😉

I'd love to hear your opinion (good or bad)!

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