Planning Dinners for a Better Week


BETTER: meaning more efficient, healthier, tastier, and more fun!

As much as I try to “go with the flow” on my off-time, I am just not that type of person. Maybe that’s the problem. I should try to be unscheduled, I should just not think about it. Since I am a natural planner and organizer, I might as well not fight it and just create a loose schedule for my off-time.

I love to cook healthy dinners with fresh ingredients and minimal processed foods. If I don’t plan the week’s dinners before I go shopping though, I don’t end up cooking very exciting or as nutritious meals. So, my goal tonight is to plan out the week’s meals and then go grocery shopping. I discovered a food co-op near my house that I want to try.

Also, I have a blank recipe book that I want to fill with quick, family favorite meals that I can always turn to if I am in a bind. Once a week (at least) I am going to add a recipe – whether it’s from my mama, a tried-and-true cookbook, or one of the blogsĀ  I follow!

What are your go to recipes? Do you have any tips or tricks for planning meals ahead of time?

These are my basic strategies that I want to execute and blog about:

  • Plan dinners a week at a time
  • Go shopping once a week for all meal items
  • Make a slow-cooker meal once a week
  • Make enough dinner to have left overs for lunches
  • Make quick breakfasts on Sunday nights (muffins, egg scrambles?)


One comment on “Planning Dinners for a Better Week”

  1. Our grocery store offers online shopping, so I find it is worth the $2 fee to shop online and pick it up. You should try it! You can shop only sale items and you don’t grab stuff you don’t need. I also have a dry erase board that I put the meal and recipe page # on. It saves me a ton of time and money!

I'd love to hear your opinion (good or bad)!

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