Made My First Etsy Sale!


6 weeks in business.

17 items.

43 shop views.

128 listing views.

$7 in search ads.
…all this equals my first sale!

dog treat jars

I say first, but if you look at my shop it’s technically my second. My papa bought a dog toy first, I just didn’t think that fully counted 🙂

It feels so good to have some one want something that you made. Hopefully this will start a trend and I can get a few more sales.



2 comments on “Made My First Etsy Sale!”

  1. thelittleredhorse says:

    Did you find it was easy to start an etsy store? What ate some things you wish you would have known?

  2. Becca Krzmarzick says:

    It was really easy to start the store through their site. As far as starting the store by making items, that obviously takes time. All the items in my store are things I’ve made for myself and then made a few extra (each one gets a little better than my original!) to sell on Etsy. I’m by no means an expert yet, but here are a few tips:

    1) Take really great pictures in natural light. It looks unprofessional if you have your lunch sitting behind the item. No one will look at your item or store if the photo doesn’t lure them.

    2) Make each item it’s own listing. For example, I made four dog treat jars and posted them all as one listing so people could tell me which one they wanted (and I’d save $0.60). Well it’s worth those measly cents to post each one individually if they are pretty different, like my jars.

    3) Tell people about your store. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed about what you make. If you have a blog, this might not pertain to you. Every once in a while I post something on this blog, Twitter, or Facebook, just to let people know. Definitely don’t overdo it though. I think my blog readers would quickly stop following if all I did was yammer on about my store.

    Hope that helps! Are you starting one soon?

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